In a time when most things are artificially generated and curated, I am absolutely convinced that authenticity is the new competitive advantage. Eventually, we will become overrun with poorly prompted content in our feeds and on the flip side slick deep fakes. The idea of bringing your full self, unedited and unscripted and unprompted should be one’s value proposition.
Although “more developed” nations may prize the AI prowess, the true winner will be the one who can leverage AI in spaces like our region, where our people are unabashed and want “dey spirit to to tek you” and still retain their humanity. The true prowess will be at the intersection of AI and AS – Artificial Intelligence and the Authentic Self. I am coining this phrase now.
Your clients though they crave efficiency will eventually yearn for the brilliance that allows them to deliver value in a way that will seem initially old-fashioned, but eventually it will be perceived as genius. It will be a sort of reverse disruptive innovation. The subculture of authenticity, soon to be buried in the avalanche of AI, shall nibble away at the margins and eventually re-emerge as mainstream. Hear me out. I shall add a caveat. Mainstream in certain niches.
Now is the time to really delve deep, let your intellect shine through and leverage AI not to simply generate quasi-intelligence but to create an experience with your brand – be it product, service or self that is truly evolved. I would love to hear your thoughts.